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Brains and arrow on the surface. Brand ambassador concept.

What Are Brand Ambassadors Plus How To Become One

As social media progressed and evolved, the words ‘brand ambassador’ became a more commonly known title.

Although many people are familiar with this title, a large percentage do not have the slightest idea of what the job title entails. So, what exactly is a brand ambassador, and how do you become one? If you ask yourself these two questions, this article has been curated just for you. Below, we have all the answers you need regarding being a brand ambassador.

brand ambassador positive young business woman showing a thumbs up symbol

What Is A Brand Ambassador?

The business space has grown and evolved over the years. With businesses with similar products and services sprouting up all over the world and sometimes within the same location, it is easy to see that the competition has more than tripled. Now, businesses have to go neck and neck to attract clients, retain these clients, and increase revenue.

This competition has driven businesses to devise methods to give them an edge over their competitors. More than ever, companies are adopting practices that promise increased sales and massive growth that will leave their competition in the dust. One of these practices is working with brand ambassadors.

But what exactly is a brand ambassador?

The short answer is that a brand ambassador is paid to represent a brand. They are individuals hired as the ‘face’ of a brand and a means of connecting to potential customers. Although this is the true definition of what or who a brand ambassador is, it does not come close enough to scratch the surface of what a brand ambassador’s job title is.

Also known as brand advocates, brand ambassadors are hired to promote and represent a business brand while maintaining a positive brand identity. As a brand ambassador, it is your job to represent a company while also acting as a marketer by helping the company attract more clients.

When many people think of brand ambassadors, they think of a familiar face attached to their favorite brands. While this is correct, brand ambassadors are more than just a face.

What Do Brand Ambassadors Do?

Brand ambassadors are tasked with being a medium of connection to the millions of potential clients within their reach. They are hired as the face, personality, and voice of a, representing the business in online and offline communities. As internet and social media users, you have probably seen many brand influencers generating brand interest through their posts.

From that brand pet parent who consistently brings pictures and videos of a pet food brand to your Instagram page to the famous Twitter influencer that constantly talks about a particular jewelry store on her feed, brand influencers are everywhere you look.

With more than 4.70 billion people now actively using social media platforms, there is no better way to target and convert new customers than engaging millions of people on the internet. Popular social networks like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and the more recent options like TikTok are the perfect medium to reach people and create brand awareness.

Brand ambassadors are usually influential social media personalities who have built an impressive amount of followers. They are well-known, both online and offline, which makes them the perfect means to improve brand visibility and convert online followers to valuable clients.

Brand ambassadors use social media resources and word-of-mouth to create buzz around the brand they represent. They consistently use pictures, videos, texts, hashtags, polls, and other features on the preferred social media platforms to engage their followers and get them talking about the brands they represent.

However, it doesn’t end there. Brand ambassadors not only consistently use their established following to maintain consistent support of the brand but are also very active off the internet. The sole purpose of a brand ambassador is to be the face, mouthpiece, and integral part of a brand.

They are an active part of products and marketing events that concern the brand and will often be found in these events. From launches to demonstrations, it is your duty as a brand ambassador to make an appearance at these events. Brand ambassadors are general outgoing personalities and play pivotal roles in brand-customer relationships. 

Is A Brand Ambassador The Same As A Brand Influencer?

Due to their job similarities, it is easy to mistake a brand ambassador for a brand influencer. However, while they may look like they perform the same duties, they have different job objectives. A brand ambassador is a public figure that is recruited to present a brand in a positive light.

This not only involves consistently posting and talking about the brand’s products but guiding its followers through the sales funnel and converting them to loyal customers. Like a brand ambassador, an influencer is recruited to use their social media presence to create buzz around a brand. They are hired to connect their followers to the brand and create a better platform to give it more visibility.

This is perhaps where the similarity between both jobs end. A brand ambassador has a duty to represent the brand they work with online and offline. They are involved in all areas that concern the brand’s growth, including being a part of its events and playing a role in in-store marketing efforts.

More importantly, a brand ambassador does all these exclusively for an extended period. Unlike brand ambassadors, brand influencers are simply being paid to create sponsored content for their followers and viewers to engage. Besides making this content, influencers have no duty towards the brand they work with, except it is stated in their contract.

Exclusivity is no doubt the most crucial difference between brand ambassadors and influencers.  A brand ambassador is by default exclusive to the brand they work with. Not only will they dedicate their time and resources towards working for the growth of a brand in exchange for a salary, but they are also required to be loyal to the brand they work with throughout the stipulated time in their contract.

This means not working with other brands that may have the exact scope of business, in the same niche, or offering the same products or services. Conversely, influencers are only paid to post for a brand. You, as a business, do not have the right to dictate to an influencer who they should work with and shouldn’t.

Another significant difference between ambassadors and influencers is the time frame. Brand ambassadorship is a long-term role that ranges from six months to a few years. Influencing for a brand, on the other hand, is more of a short-term deal that can last anywhere from a few hours to a few days.

So what is the ruling?

Although brand ambassadors can also be called brand influencers, not all brand influencers are known as brand ambassadors.

Characteristics Of A Brand Ambassador

There are specific characteristics and traits that brands look out for when hiring ambassadors to work with. These characteristics let them know that working with you will be in their best interests. Some of these characteristics include:

1. Online Presence

Having a significant online presence is undoubtedly an essential characteristic of a great brand ambassador. While this doesn’t necessarily mean you should have millions of followers, you must have a large and active online community of followers that can be converted to valuable clients for the brand.

However, having tons of followers is not the only integral part of being a successful brand ambassador. A brand ambassador must be an influential personality with an established connection with the followers. This connection will make it easy to create a successful word-of-mouth marketing strategy and improve brand visibility.

2. Knowledge of marketing

As we previously mentioned, brand ambassadors are more than the face of the brand. They are advocates for other marketing activities put in place to facilitate the growth of a brand. Companies want to work with brand ambassadors who are not only established on the internet but also offer valuable marketing opinions and knowledge.

They have a deep understanding of digital marketing techniques and social media marketing. They are well-versed in processes that will not only drive engagement but also result in excellent referrals.

3. Passion for building and sustaining relationships

Since the bulk of brand ambassadorship duties revolve around building and maintaining high-quality online and offline relationships, brand ambassadors are expected to be passionate about fostering relationships. Excellent brand–audience relationship is the key to increasing sales and building brand connections. A brand ambassador should not only have an established presence but should be passionate about connecting with their audience and creating relationships. 

How Do Brand Ambassadors Get Paid?

As with any other job, brand ambassadors get paid for their services. However, seeing that brand ambassadorship is often painted as a fancy job title- thanks to the hype surrounding celebrities being endorsed as ambassadors for popular brands- we often wonder how much brand ambassadors are paid for their services.

While we would like to give a specific number to how much brand ambassadors get paid, the truth is brand ambassadors are paid in various ways.  Brand ambassadors earn through various payment types that range from hourly payments to commission-based payments, and salaries. 

Famous female bloggers advertising clothes in front of camera, brand ambassador

How To Become A Brand Ambassador

Being a brand ambassador might require a lot of effort, but it opens doors of opportunities to network and earn. You get to truly pursue your passion of having hands-on marketing experience, working with great brands, and having a flexible schedule that allows you to pursue other activities. Not to mention, the payment is attractive, and other perks will undoubtedly come in handy.

Admittedly, working as a brand ambassador is not always a bed of roses. Depending on the brand you work with and your contractual agreement, you might be required to dedicate long hours and creativity to your duties as a brand ambassador. Regardless, becoming a brand ambassador is a fulfilling job.

To become a brand Ambassador:

1. Identify Your Skills

The first step to becoming a successful brand ambassador is identifying your skills and interests. Knowing your skills will help you determine what values you will bring to the brands you work with. Until you know what you bring to the table and why a brand will benefit from working with you, you will not be taken seriously by any brand.

Identify your marketing strengths and weaknesses, highlight your core values, and decide if you think you will be a good fit as a brand ambassador. 

2. Research Brands

To be a successful brand ambassador, you should work with brands that resonate with you. The brand you choose to work with should not only be seen as your employer but one that you are genuinely passionate about. Since you have already identified your skills and values, researching brands that match your interest and personality is the next integral step in your journey to becoming a brand ambassador.

Because you are expected to represent the brand you work for, you must be a reflection of what the brand stands for. Scour the internet and social media platforms for brands that represent your interest. If you have an interest in fashion and style, you should consider working with fashion brands that match your style and fashion aesthetics. If you are a photographer, 

3. Build Social Media Engagement

What is a brand ambassador without sufficient online activity? To become an ambassador, you need to be an influential part of the social media you choose and have lots of active followers in the online community. Social media engagement comes in the form of likes, shares, and comments. These interactions help you build an active community that distinguishes your page from the millions of other pages on the platform.

4. Have a Great Online Personality

Your social platform should clearly reflect your personality. Many brand ambassadors set their personalities by using unique concepts, clothes styling, and their interests that reflect their image. Defining your online image and clearly showing your audience your distinct style distinguishes you from other brand ambassadors.

As a brand ambassador, you are first your own brand before being anyone’s ambassador. Set your brand image first before working with other brands to represent them. Ensure you are unique and not a copycat. While there is nothing wrong with looking up to other brand ambassadors and trying to emulate them, ensure you do so in your way.

5. Interact With Your Audience

Your audience plays a significant role in your success as a brand ambassador. Without their engagement, you will be nothing but another Instagram user. Ensure that you constantly interact with and engage your audience and followers. Interact with them, get to know their pain point, and figure out how you can solve the problems they face on your page.

Interacting with your audience will create a personal connection that enables them to trust you and, essentially, trust the brand you represent. Engaging your audience doesn’t end online. Attend or host events and try to meet as many people as you can offline.

6. Constant Build Your Following

As a brand ambassador, you can’t have too many followers. Always make it a point to build your following constantly. Review your social media strategy and adopt methods that will get more social media users to notice you. Encourage people to follow your page and subscribe to your channels. Connect and work with other influencers and ambassadors to increase your chances of being discovered.

7. Regularly Look For Ambassadorship Opportunities

Although brands will often reach out to you to pitch their ambassadorship offers, you also need to put in the work. Regularly research brands you can work with. Keep an eye out for brand opportunities and reach out to brands you are passionate about to know if they will like to work with you.

Becoming A Brand Ambassador

If you have always wondered what a brand ambassador does and how you can become one, we have great news for you. Anyone can become a brand ambassador if you dedicate time, effort, and resources to building a great online community. Being a brand ambassador offers many opportunities for you to network, engage, and be creative.

Coupled with the ability to work on your terms, as a brand ambassador, the sky is your limit. Although you might be off to a rocky start, especially if you have little to no experience, with proper planning and practicing the details in this article, it’s only a matter of time before you enjoy the perks of being a successful brand ambassador.

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