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How Does the Instagram Explore Section Work?

Being discovered on social media platforms like Instagram often has much to do with the amount of money you or your business is willing to shell out to increase visibility. However, the Instagram explore page is one of the last frontiers of organic reach.

Instagram has been constantly upgrading algorithms, and they have gotten quite good at showing people the type of content they would like to see. In fact, some might claim that the algorithm is too good because of its propensity to spread misinformation to people who are disposed to like such content. 

To combat misinformation while still maintaining the benefits of the explore page for people who use it to spread good content, the algorithm is constantly evolving and learning to identify problematic content, eliminate bias, promote new formats and connect people with positive communities on the platform.

There are many benefits for getting featured on the Instagram explore page for businesses, brands, micro influencers and macro influencers. For these people, the advantages of appearing in the Explore tab include potential spikes in reach, impressions and sales. It’s a place to grow your audience and build community.

This article is your one-stop shop for learning how the Instagram Explore page works and what you can do to get your content featured on this page.

woman holding smartphone with search page screen of Instagram application

What is the Instagram Explore Page?

The Explore page on Instagram is a collection of content based on a user’s individual interests. The Instagram algorithm curates content based on similar accounts or content interacted with. The Explore page includes photos, videos, Reels and even Instagram Stories. Instagram curates the content on this page to the taste of each user, so no two Explore pages are alike.

Instagram users access the Explore page by tapping on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the app screen. From the top search bar, you can use keywords to find popular content, accounts and tags related to a specific topic. You can further filter the results according to niche categories.

For example, the Explore feed for “DIY crafts” shows more filters to narrow down your search by material or medium. This helps Instagram users get specific with their searches. As a business owner, it can give you ideas on what type of content your customers are looking for based on the search results Instagram returns.

When someone clicks on a photo in the Explore feed, it opens up a continuous scroll feed of content related to that photo. So, in a sense, the Explore page is a monster feed of portals to more feeds, each one more granular and focused than the last.

Why The Instagram Explore Page Matters

The Explore page is important for infleuncers, brands, and anyone trying to xxpand their reach and grow their follower base. You should care about getting on the Instagram Explore page because it means more people may see your content. With Instagram projected to have nearly 1.2 billion monthly active users by 2023, this increased visibility will have several related benefits:

1. Wider Reach

You can get an Instagram engagement spike on the piece of content (post, IGTV video or Reel) that made it to Explore, as your content gets surfaced to a wider audience than your followers.

2. More Followers

More than 200 million accounts visit the Instagram Explore page daily. That’s 50% of the platform user base. And among these users, Instagram will display your content in front new audiences who are most likely to be interested in your account. This means you have a good chance of turning some of them into new followers.

This is especially the case if you have a well-managed account with great highlight covers, a cohesive aesthetic, and more high-quality content like that seen on the post that made it on the Instagram Explore page.

3. Boost Engagement

If users like the content they see, they’re likely to engage with it by liking, commenting or even sharing with friends. So when they discover your content through the Explore page, it could boost high engagement for your brand.

4. Increased Sales

When more people discover your content through the Explore page, it helps get your products in front of the right people. Moreover, your shoppable Instagram posts can also show up in the Explore page. More people discovering your products could translate to an increase in sales.

How Does the Instagram Explore Algorithm Work?

Instagram uses a Feed Ranking System to personalize each user’s feed and Explore page. The Explore page algorithm relies on machine learning to collect ranking signals and decide what to display. It uses an “unconnected recommendation system,” where the platform chooses posts based on each user’s activity on Instagram.

The Instagram algorithm then ranks these posts based on several factors. These factors include engagement, freshness, content quality and relevance. In other words, the Instagram Explore page features content based on these parameters: 

  1. Posts that are fresh and see a ton of engagement
  2. The types of content you regularly engage with
  3. Accounts that you’re already following
  4. The types of posts that see engagement from people you follow

For example, if you follow a lot of accounts that feature cute cat images and videos, and you engage with content like reels of cats doing cute things, then the Instagram algorithm will feature a greater number of cat-related posts in your Instagram Explore page. 

The ranking system is currently based on relevance and interaction. As long as they meet the necessary criteria, Instagram equally favors content from all types of accounts. This is great news if you’re running an Instagram business account. It means you stand as good a chance of getting on the Explore page as an influencer or a personal account.

Tips for Getting on the Instagram Explore Page

1. Get to Know Your Target Audience 

Your audience already follows you. So to land on the Instagram Explore page, take “know your audience” one step further. Get familiar with your Instagram demographics, identify the target audiences you’d like to reach in Explore and learn what content these users engage with most.

Your business account Explore feed is a good place to start. Delve into posts, categories, and niche feeds and take note of the tactics that you might be able to emulate.

2. Post Engaging Content 

Engagement is one of the major ranking signals that the Instagram Explore page algorithm looks for. Creating engaging content is easier said than done. Take a look at your existing content and your target audience. What types of Instagram content do they engage with the most?

A quick Instagram audit can help you with these discoveries. Ideally, your content should have two main qualities – it should be useful and it should catch the eye. Does your content add value? Does it help your followers achieve anything or solve a problem?

Or perhaps it informs and educates them. You could even create content just to entertain them if that aligns with your brand personality. Video content a leg up over static visuals in the engagement department, as they autoplay in the Explore tab, and they’re often given more real estate in the feed.

But still visuals with product tags, carousel formats, or just stunning imagery can be engaging, too. Don’t overlook the power of compelling captions either.

3. Learn from Other Posts on the Explore Page

If you’re not sure how to create engaging content, look at what types of content usually make it to the Explore page. This can inspire you to create the kinds of posts your target audience is engaging with. It can show you what approach is working for other accounts relevant to your industry so you can get inspired and craft your content strategy.

Perhaps people are enjoying bite-sized how-to videos. Or maybe infographic carousels seem to see high levels of engagement. Do you see more “before and after” transformations than regular customer stories? Make a note of the winning “recipes” and find a way to use them for your own Instagram content strategy.

Instagram reels for making short videos

4. Try Posting Reels

 It’s no secret Instagram wants Reels to succeed. There’s a reason Reels crop up in both the Explore feed and its own dedicated tab. The tab is so central to the Instagram app’s user experience that the entire home page was completely rearranged to accommodate it.

Getting discovered in the Reels tab could mean getting discovered in the Explore tab, too. However, you will want to be careful when reposting TikToks. Many believe that Instagram’s algorithm marks down those that feature the TikTok watermark.

5. Cultivate an Engaged and Active Community 

One of the core purposes of Instagram’s Explore page is to connect people to communities on the platform. Community building is key to Instagram’s success—which means it should be key to your marketing plan as well. The more active your brand community is on Instagram, the more likely Instagram will be to recommend it to “lookalike audiences” on the Explore page.

Give your audience ample opportunity to engage with your account. Start and participate in brand conversations in the comment section, DMs, and on other active brand channels. Encourage your community to turn on notifications for your posts so they can get engaged early.

6. Make a Posting Schedule and Post Consistently 

A key to getting onto the Explorer page is consistency. The Instagram algorithm wants to see that you are an active poster who is going to bring a steady flow of content to its users. That’s why you want to make sure that you are always posting.

7. Perfect the Timing of Your Posts 

Timing is an important factor when it comes to getting engagement on social media. With thousands of new content coming up every minute, your post could get lost in the feed if it doesn’t see immediate engagement. The key to tackling this problem is by posting when your followers are most likely to see it.

The best time to post can vary by location, industry and audience. So take a look at how your own followers are behaving to understand when to publish your content. To do this, you can use Instagram analytics to view all sorts of relevant metrics. 

8. Use Relevant Hashtags 

Geotags, account tags and hashtags are additional ways to extend the reach of your content within the Explore ecosystem. Remember, people use the Instagram Explore page to search by hashtag and location, too. If a specific hashtag sparks someone’s interest, they can now follow it as well. Choose strategic Instagram hashtags and geotags so that your content appears where people are looking for it.

9. Consider Using Paid Ads 

Reaching audiences through organic posts can be hard, so it helps if you can amplify your efforts with some paid ads. Instagram allows you to run ads in Explore, which prominently displays your content to users browsing the Explore page. Keep in mind that these ads won’t guarantee you a spot on the main Explore page.

But they will appear when a user clicks on one of the posts from their Explore page and scrolls down. This still significantly improves your content visibility. And it allows you to reach relevant users even if you haven’t made it to their organic Explore page.

Making the Most of the Instagram Explore Page

There is no doubt that social media marketing is a must when it comes to spreading brand recognition, creating brand identity, reaching new potential customers, and creating a loyal and engaged customer base. Instagram is easily one of the most important social media platforms for achieving these goals. However, it can seem daunting when faced with the question of how you are going to reach people and grow your brand following. 

Luckily, Instagram has tools that can help you achieve your goals. Instagram’s Explore page is certainly one of the best tools, since featured posts on the page have the potential to reach countless accounts beyond your Instagram followers. By employing some of the tips we have discussed in this article, you greatly increase your chances of getting your content featured on the Instagram Explore Page.

It may take some practice and hard work, involving trial and error when it comes to the content you post, as well as the time and hashtags you use when you post. Eventually, though, this hard work has a great chance of paying off big time.

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