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How To Grow Your TikTok Following

Do you want to know the secret to getting active and real TikTok followers fast?

Spoiler alert: there is no easy, three-minute method to get your TikTok account buzzing with engaging followers overnight (although we sincerely wish there was). Regardless of this slight inconvenience, the good news is that it is possible to grow your account from the handful of followers on your profile right now to well into a few thousands or more!

Gaining organic TikTok followers requires time, effort, and a working strategy to rake in your potential followers. In this article, we have provided tips and tricks to help you get followers easily and honestly.

The Proper Way To Get More TikTok Followers

A video-sharing app that has gained global popularity since its launch in 2018, TikTok is a platform where people can explore their creativity while enjoying the ability to connect with people around the world. With an estimated user count of one billion active users in 2021, TikTok is undoubtedly one of the biggest social media platforms today and is expected to grow exponentially in the next few years.

TikTok has always been a popular medium for social connection and an outlet for creativity, but this popularity became explosive in the middle of 2020. Thanks – or no thanks- to the onset and wild spread of the covid-19 and lockdown procedures, people devoted their time and attention to new forms of entertainment, one of which is the TikTok application.

Although people from all age groups use TikTok- there are even TikTok pages dedicated to pets- and demographics, it still primarily remains a playground for gen z and millennials. However, this is excellent news because you get to enjoy different content and a social community with different types of people.

As with any other social media platform, people aim to amass many followers on TikTok. Plenty of followers on your profile promise better brand visibility, more comprehensive outreach to push sales, or an increase in your popularity and the opportunity to get paid to influence other brands. Regardless of the way you cut it, lots of TikTok followers is never bad news.

If you want to make a name or at least a brand name for yourself on TikTok, you need to have many active and engaging followers that will contribute to your extensive social media presence. To do this, every view, like, comment, and remix of your videos matters.

Growing your TikTok followers is easier said than done. This causes many TikTok users to purchase the promises of fake followers to fuel what will be a relatively short-lived dream of being identified as a TikTok star.

While this seems like an easy way out, it is essential to note that nothing good comes easy. Purchasing fake TikTok followers might increase your follower count, but it would do nothing to help you achieve your dream of building engagement. 

When you buy fake followers, you have many followers and only a few views, likes, and comments. Your TikTok profile might have a robust following but get graveyard action due to the lack of engagement. This in itself is a red flag for real potential followers and will drastically reduce any hope of you building your page correctly.

The best way to build a lasting and sizeable TikTok profile to get extensive outreach and brand presence are with organic and active followers who are ready to engage with your posts. You need to foster a relationship with followers who are excited to be part of your brand.

We understand how difficult building an organic TikTok account can be. To guide you through the process, we have provided tricks of the trade designed to help your TikTok account reach more TikTok accounts and, potentially, its full potential.

How To Grow Your TikTok Following

  1. Identify Your Target Audience

You have no hope of building your TikTok profile or gaining more followers if you don’t know who you want to reach out to.

Identifying your target audience means figuring out who your content is curated for. It means discovering your niche and what group of people will find your content entertaining and relevant enough that they need to follow you to be privy to more.

Although TikTok was initially designed to appeal to the younger Gen Z generation, the millennials and baby boomers have picked up an interest in creating and enjoying creative content on TikTok. Not to mention, TikTok is popular in different locations and, thus, for different niches.

Not all TikTok users like the same type of content. Preferences differ for content dynamics and finding the user dynamic your content appeals to. Knowing who wants your content and why will help you tailor your content to appeal to more people who might come across your page. 

Creating content solely to appeal to and attract your potential clients will help you foster a connection with them. Think about it. A non-follower stumbles on your page, and the first content resonates with them.

Wouldn’t they want to see and engage with more content like that one?

Since your target audience is not actively searching for your page and instead stumbles on it by chance. You need contents that will make the most of this situation and create a positive first impression that forces them to follow your profile and engage with future content.

  1. Join Trends

One trend or the other is always happening on TikTok. Trends are a mainstay activity, and they always seem to take TikTok by stop. 

TikTok trends are a big deal on TikTok. If you have spent enough time on TikTok, you will undoubtedly have noticed a series of similar video content featuring creators who use identical hashtags, songs, filters, and dance moves to create a short clip that often tells the same story.

Videos with the same trend can be discovered using a similar factor. For example, if there’s a trend about Arina Grande’s ‘Seven Rings’ song, videos of creators done with the music will be found underneath the song. Creating a video using the music will add your content to the list of those in the trend, providing a broader outreach for potential followers to discover your video.

Doing trends increases your visibility and thus your chances of getting new followers. As long as your entry to the trend is creative, you will get some followers from joining a TikTok trend.

Trends can be found on the discover page of the TikTok application. Keep an eye out for trends that best resonate with the type of content you provide.

  1. Optimize Hashtags

Like other social media applications and platforms, TikTok enables its users to use hashtags. Represented by the ‘#’ symbol, hashtags are a tag used to collect similar topics. This metadata tag is used to index keywords in a caption to help people quickly follow topics on the platform. 

When a user uses a hashtag, their content is classified with other users’ content containing that hashtag. Clicking on a hashtag will make it easier to find collections of video content that pertain to the topic you are interested in. 

While hashtags are a great way to increase your followers on TikTok, it is essential to note that when you use a hashtag, your content is thrown in a blender with other creators’ content. The more people use a hashtag, the more content buries your content in the hashtag feed.

Although common hashtags with lots of uses suggest it is a trending topic, it will compromise your visibility and limit your chances of being discovered by other TikTok users. 

One of the most common hashtags used on TikTok is the fyp hashtag. While many people believe it enables your content to be featured on the TikTok for your page, this cannot be confirmed.

When using hashtags to reach out to other users and earn new followers, ensure that you are using the correct type of hashtag. Don’t just write multiple trending hashtags in your TikTok captions. Only use hashtags that are relevant to your content and niche. 

Optimize branded hashtags and business-specific hashtags to increase your chances of being discovered. You can also find hashtags using free hashtag generation tools.

  1. Create And Participate In Challenges

Other than trends, challenges are another popular feature on TikTok. From Renegade to The Invincible Transition challenges, TikTok is brimming full of challenges that are opportunities for other users to discover your page.

From dances to dares, viral challenges are a great way to earn free TikTok visibility and be pitched to your target audience. 

  1. Leverage Other Social Media Accounts

Who says your quest for new TikTok followers has to begin and end on TikTok? Absolutely nobody.

Although TikTok and other social media apps may seem like standalone platforms, they are intertwined to a great extent. They also all serve the sole purpose of connecting people over the internet and providing a common means of entertainment.

When trying to build your TikTok followers, don’t limit yourself to marketing yourself on the TikTok app. Since there are other social environments waiting to be used, you can optimize your other social media accounts to direct traffic directly to your TikTok account.

Use your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and even Youtube accounts to earn new followers on your TikTok app. While not everybody owns a TikTok account, most of your followers will.

To capture interest, upload your high-quality and creative TikTok videos to your social media pages. You can also optimize unique features like Instagram reels to gain better visibility on your IG page.

Since TikTok videos generally have a watermark of your TikTok username, your viewers will see what your username is and search for you on TikTok. Think of it as subtle marketing. However, for better awareness, you can mention your TikTok username in your youtube description or on your Facebook, IG, and Twitter profiles.

  1. Post At The Right Time

Another effective way to ensure page visibility and traffic to follower conversion on TikTok is to post your content on the right.  Posting at the right time means posting when your audience is online and most active.

Posting at the wrong time, perhaps too early or too late during the day when your audience is not available to interact and engage with your posts, will cause your post to suffer low engagement. When your audience is online, your content will be on the bottom of their, undiscovered and unengaged. To avoid this, ensure you post your content at the right time.

Figuring out the best time to post your content will be challenging and will require trial and error to determine the times your content gets maximum engagement. You can get this data by checking your analytics tool in your profile.

Check on your follower’s tab to discover what time of the day your followers are most active, and schedule your posts to match these times.

  1. Work With Influencers

Working with influencers is one of the easiest ways to grow your following on TikTok. All you need to do is find an influencer in your niche and get them to talk about you, create a video of your services, or make a video of them using your products.

Influencers already have many TikTok followers, most of whom do not follow you yet. Having a popular and well-liked influencer post a short video about you and tag your TikTok page will convince their followers to check out your page and follow.

  1. Engage With Other Creators

Working with other TikTok creators increases your visibility and makes more users aware of you and your brand. Although it is mainly known for its entertaining content, TikTok remains a social media platform at heart.

To increase your TikTok following, engage with other creators and their content. Like their contents, leave comments, tag them when necessary, and use the duet and stitch features to merge your contents.

For the best results, engage with creators whose contents are relevant to your niche, brand, and audience. Constantly engaging with other creators’ content will increase your content engagements and get more people to notice you.

  1. Optimize User-Generated Content

If you already have a decent number of active followers, it is an excellent idea to create user-generated content or UGC.

UGC is the content you generate from people engaging with your brand or sharing content relevant to your brand. Optimizing user-generated content can increase your social trust and convince other reluctant users that you are real. 

To get user-generated content, you can encourage people to engage in a challenge you started, participate in one of your trends, or join a contest you started.

  1. Try TikTok Ads

TikTok provides many features to help users optimize their content and increase thief followers. One of these features is the TikTok ad.

TikTok ads are ads done on the TikTok platform. When you run TikTok ads, TikTok helps you to push your content to your interested audience demographics, thereby guaranteeing better visibility and more engagements that will lead to more followers.

There are various Tik-Tok ads, from in-feed ads and video ads.

The different types of TikTok ads include:

  • In-feed ads are under a self-service option, allowing you to create your ads through the TikTok manager. 
  • Image ads run only TikTok’s News Feed apps which are BuzzVideo, TopBuzz, and Babe. They comprise an image, brand or app name, and ad text.
  • Video ads are 5 to 60-second videos that run on TikTok itself or for the TikTok family of news apps. They also show up in the user’s For You feed. Video ads include a video, an ad display image, brand or app name, and ad text.
  • Spark ads will help you promote your organic content. Spark ads are effective and result in a 24% higher completion rate and 142% higher engagement rate than regular in-feed ads.
  • Pangle Ads which are placed via the TikTok audience network.
  • Carousel ads that run only in TikTok’s News Feed apps. They are often made up of 10 images with original captions per ad.

Various types of TikTok ads promise brand awareness and visibility. All you need to do is find the most promising advert type that suits your needs.

Get More TikTok Followers Today 

Growing your TikTok followers is an investment that will pay off for your brand in the long run. It provides brand awareness and financial opportunities to help you generate revenue. Now that we have provided the simplest way to grow your TikTok following, you can now implement it on your TikTok profile and watch the numbers go up.


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